Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monthly Assessment Increase

The main reason for rising assessment fees was the increased cost and use of water. Currently 40% of the opperating budget goes to water usage.  Last year the yearly cost of water was approximately $10,000 greater than what we had budgeted.  One way to conserve water is by fixing leaky faucets and toilets.  Another idea is to reduce water use in the shower by decreasing the gallon per minute rate of your shower head or reduce the time spent in the shower. Please look for ways to conserve water and let us know what you find.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Envelop Update

In 2010 Canyon Court Condominiums contracted Peter Brennan of Avenue Development to oversee repairs recommended based on the envelop inspection of BEDIC in 2008/2009.  Aspen Siding and Windows has been working to recaulk and repair minor issues related to windows and siding at Canyon Court over the last month.  However, Aspen has declined to bid on the roof repair and we are in the process of understanding why.  Hopefully additional conversations with Mr Brennan, Aspen, Steed, and Northwest Community Management will bring all the information to the table and we can move forward with no hidden agenda's or conflict of interests, so that Canyon Court Condominiums can continue to have a healthy and well maintained exterior envelop for years to come.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Long Awaited Bollards Installed

In January, 2010 Tim Jarmer Electric removed the old corroded aluminum bollard lights and replaced them with similar fiberglass bollards on raised concrete bases.  Approximately half of the old bollards had failed by the time they were replaced.  Many had been installed at the level of the grass, where it was thought water and fertilizer aided in their sooner than expected failure.  After discussions with the developer and consultation from Peter Brennan of Avenue Development in the fall of 2010 the decision was made for the HOA to replace all the bollards.  The decision to set the bollards on a raised bases is intended to reduce the potential knocks from landscapers and raises them away from water and fertilizer.  This was a good investment in a good product.  These are expected to give years of service with minimal maintenance.  Be safe and enjoy the light!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Upcomming HOA Meeting

There will be an HOA meeting September 20th at 5:15pm to discuss water intrusion and development wide builder related issues.  Professional consultant reports are being finalized for this meeting and representatives will be available for questioning by the board.  Owners are encouraged to attend to stay informed of issues that could impact HOA dues and property values.  The meeting will be located at in a meeting room on the bottom floor of 17941 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Beaverton, OR 97006.
Click here for google map directions

Avoid Identity Theft - Shred Identifying Trash

Tim Mineo has passed on a tip that one of the residents here at Canyon Court Condominium scared off two men rummaging in our trash. (Thanks!)  The men took two bags of material away with them.  For your own safety, please shred any documents with your name and social security number, credit card numbers, or other financial account information. If you do not own a shredder, consider taking advantage of Beaverton Police Department's free shredding days (